My Muse

Finding balance. Creating beauty. Healing found in Mother Nature. Products a pleasure to use.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Very Cherry (thanks mom)

 The joys of Spring are upon us! Our Daffodils and treasured Cherry Blossoms are blooming with beauty! Eminence has the perfect masque and treatment for this exciting time of the year. Pure Organic Cherry pulp and pieces along with honey, make up this powerful Vitamin C packed mask. It's a perfect Spring treatment for almost all skin types, especially for dehydrated, mature, large pored persons. The delicious scent is almost enough to make you want to taste it. This is my new must have product for Spring! It will leave your skin glowing, super hydrated, and radiant. If you are in the Vienna, VA area, we are running a special for our 90 min. Cherry Blossom facial that showcases this product, for only $100. This promotion is ending at the end of the DC's Cherry Blossom Festival so book your treatment today! for online booking or call 703.242.0609. Even if you miss this promotion, we can special order you a jar for you to use at home for your weekly masking treatment.

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